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Komik- Saturday [Cockney]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-26 00:42

Komik- Saturday [Cockney]

Tänkte experimentera lite i mitt skrivande genom att skriva efter den Engelska scenen lite grann. Texten är The Streets influerad och jag har därefter anammat stuket på texten och flowet.
Hoppas ni tycker om den men glöm inte att läsa texten på Cockney, alltså brittiska, för annars sabbas allt totalt:)

Sat in a resturant, grubbin' on fries & enchiladas
I was lookin' mighty sharp with me shiny Pradas
& I was rather, bored so I decided to go outside..
Walked into a Pub & orded two pints of lager
No one drinks as much as me besides me father
Saw some geezers that looked kind of bothered
Four guys with Barbour tried to start a, fight
Right, anyway for me it's anyday so it ended up
4 cunts on the ground, opened up just like a piñata
No posture, walked past them as they looked after..
..Me, leavin the Pub lookin' back in laughter..

Pint after pint, my life circulates 'round the weekends
Chairs flyin' through the air, I wont back when it deepens
Roughed up some geezers, caused a bit of ruckuss actually
Went to the Club, what else you gone' do on a Saturday?

Across the dancefloor sat a bird, very depressed
I gave bugger all as I kept starin' down at her breasts
So I gave me best, couse she was a nice señorita;
"Oi love! Can I buy you some shots of Tequila?"
She answered quickly & I was anchious to meet her
"Bollocks! Sod off!" In other terms:
The bird just wanted me to leave her
So I called her a beaver, couse it was pretty ironic
She wouldn't wear that top if she didn't want no one to see her
Apologized to me & I asked her about that drink
She said cheers, buttoned up her top & gave me a wink..

Pint after pint, my life circulates 'round the weekends
Birds all across the Club, no need for me to leave yet
Im a predator 'round fannies, Im just waitin' to catch the pray
Offered her a drink, what else you gone' do on a Saturday?

We started to drink & I had never seen a girl so mashed before
The last she saw, was me splashin' her brah..
..With the same drink she had earlier asked me for
As I walked passed the hall, with some new drinks I was cautious
Cuz the Orange color of the floor seemed to make her nauseous
Big portions of liquor & she started to flash it all..
..Vomited on me Pradas so now they matched the floor
Arrgh! She tried to make it for the exit but I smashed the door
In her face, grabbed the Tequila bottle & bashed her jaw
What you need an ambulance for? I'll let ya bleed
Then I walked home, to get some sleep..

-Oi! Another pint mate!
-You just said you were goin to get some sleep?
-No, I was just muggin' you off mate.. Cheers!

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!