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I wear a picture of you

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-23 03:39

I wear a picture of you

As we stood at the station and you said goodbye
it felt as my heart fell right down from the sky
and landed deep down in the sea of salt tears
right next to all my fears

I slowly walked down the stairs and away
You left with the train as I faded to grey
The colors of my dreams were hopelessly lost
and my lips became sealed by the increasing frost

I wear a picture of you in my heart
to look at when we are apart
Winter, spring, summer and fall
If I could, I'd give you them all
Maybe it's not much, but it's a start

I closed my eyes as I was hoping to see
that when I looked up, you would come back to me
But all that I saw was my heart on the track
I was wondering if somebody could give it back

Today, I'm sitting at the trainstation still
and waiting for someone to give me heart-refill
Then I realized that there was nothing to do
cause' my heart's already full with pictures of you

I wear a picture of you in my phone
to look at when I feel alone
Winter, spring, summer and fall
If I could, I'd give you them all
To me, you're a queen on a throne

I wear a picture of you in my eye
to look at when I need to fly
Winter, spring, summer and fall
If I could, I'd give you them all
My love, I hope you know why

Or would you like me to sing it once again?

fuck it...