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straight outa krontorp

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-21 17:43

straight outa krontorp

im comin straight outa krontorp and im a real gangsta

but u are nothing but a fucking wangsta

whyning in ur songs like a little bitch and i even heard that u are
a fuckin snitch

clamin to be an og when u stole from ur homie but that just make u a muthafuckin phonie

and i got a 9 milimiter who goes klick but the closest to 9 milimiter for u is your dick

and if u walk on my turf ur gass gets smoked cause im a ruthless muthafuckin loc

u walk around wearing a thong wile i take deep hits from tha bong

and krontorp ogs aint nuthin to fuck with cause we blast any fool who comes in our way and were doin drive byes every fuckin day

im a real muthafuckin g and a husltler but are nothing but a bitch ass buster

i smoke tha chronic and gets higher than a mutherfucker and thats tha shit u punk ass sucker

im no saint or fuckin rolemodel so when i die im goin straight to hell...

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