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tha shadows of my heart [dikt]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-10 14:50

tha shadows of my heart [dikt]

You are my best friend even if you treated me like shit,
you have to know that when you hade me, you got tha whole kit,
my friends, my family, my heart,
can't seperate stuff, keeping it apart,

When you left me I got so scared,
I lost my breath, could'nt reach for air,
I lived in tha shadows of my heart ,
you made me lose my mind, I lost tha meaning of time,
Didn't do anything for two months, just cried,
Those months a huge part of me died,
Darkness , that's my life!
Madness , that's your future wife!
Sadness , that's how I feel!
but do you care, for you it isn't real?

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