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Komik- The Skill Of pt. I [Spoken Word]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-05 00:51

Komik- The Skill Of pt. I [Spoken Word]

It was raining at first, clouds and all that in view
Bouncin' all my issues with no couch to fall back into
No spouse to contact when you, feel empty and sad
Just these fuckin' Tv- commercials!
I mean, what is normal?

Working 9-5, pickin' up your kids, I feel embarrased, but,
The most avarage habit, is watchin' a fat fuck with glasses
..Tellin' you the most effictive way how to peel a carrot!
Or what vegatables you can mix in this:
"Kamikaze blender! Call now and you'll only pay 49.99$!"

And then there's "Ideals"..
Many inventions are good though.. Gas lighters... Who's countin'?
Im talkin' about the things that makes you:

-Quit your job
-Devorce yourself
-Withdraw money from your savings account, the same account you've been depoisting a piece of your monthly salary for that dream house of yours, or to repare that refrigerator..

..All this to buy the Ab Slider 2000..
But Who's countin?.. Who?

I tell you who! The same guy who realized after 2 months of hard training with the Ab Slider 2000, that he is still the fat fuck he allways has been.. So:

He started asking, asking himself why, "Why have I done that?"
And to some cats, its pretty obvoiuz that it takes som skill to;
..Get your job back, getting that monthly salary of yours to deposit a piece of it once again, but the hardest thing of all, is the fact that you'll probably end up in the same position, but in a different situation, on your knees begging your fat fuck wife to come back..

The same fat fuck highschool sweet heart that probably fucked 20 guys during the same time that you tried to fix your abs..
.. "All for her" Please... You narcissistic son of a bitch.

Im tellin you man, television will be the end of all generations..

And then there's games.. I got a Ps2 but that doesn't fuck me up.
What fucks me up is the "Gold age", 15, people with stone face
Holdin' a full gauged shotgun pumpin' 15 rounds in me during their walk down memory lane with cold rage..
..Implosive muthafuckers..

You probably have someone like that sittin’ in your classroom
Pimples, red hair, only respond to the teachers sound of ‘Mathew’
Just waiting to blast you.. He loves "Roleplay"..
So is it so fuckin’ hard to understand why I smoke blunts during the break in the bathroom?
I have to.. I have to damn it!

But are these symptomz of paranoia that I have, only a reflection of my 24 inch TV- screen? The screen I follow desperatly to understand the power behind the skill..

..The skill of peelin' a carrot..

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!