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n0xn - wordplayah

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-04 15:11

n0xn - wordplayah

The king is back, just to smack your bitch up
biggedyback the fuck up or I snatch your face up
from deep under, to a big wonder, and about your girl, I fucked her
I wasn't tender, all positions we tried could make a year calender
god's wife was in pain when I came to the earth
I was perfeclty sain and I became the king of words
so just try superman, come and stand against me
I must laugh man, the worst shit I ever heard just pass me
to my elbow, to my hand, to my fingers, to a pen
from my brain, from my dreams from a victam from the street
in the big heat I, let it all go, floting out mounth, I build my kingdom
I am like lance armstrong, I got a strong arm and I'am unbeatable
in this next line you will be the last guy I mention, you see..
some people brings happienes when they come, others when they leave
some people is just born with a talent, I meant you not me
some people is just born uncarring parents and without any talent
thats right fuckface it's all about you, you got as much cock in your white ass
that it would't be a problem for you to shit out a kitchen
and you also got a strong rightarm, i really wonder why
it's not much i can do now,but rather fly then watchin you die

Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever.
Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."