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Tsun - Snowflakes

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-08-02 22:02

Tsun - Snowflakes

Snowflakes falling, Gather around the campfires,
Let us burn the pitty given by hungry vampires.
It's not thick enough to keep us from freezing,
Only thick enough to keep us from seeing.


Just fit! Otherwise they're leaving you bleeding
This goes out to my puzzlepieces, Still struggling, breathing.

I'm one of you, Needing to get turned
Trying to catch my breath,
Breathing to get burned.

One twist and the fit would be flawless, man.
But they're burning the promised land, Damn
But they're burning the promised land, Damn
They're twisting us into the garbage can.

I guess we all choose a way in the dark,
And then we walk and walk and walk and walk.
And our eyes will meet outside of heavens door,
But our eyes separates when it closes,
With you on the outside, trying to climb over.

I guess,
That will be about when you realize you've been going nowhere
That will be about when you relize it's time to go there.
Time go there
Time go there
Time go there
Time go there
Time go there
Time go there
it's time go there
it's time go down.

Suit yourself.

Egentligen vill jag inte ha nån kritik, läs och säg vad du tyckte, inte vad som kan förbättras.

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