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OneKey [16 bars, engelska]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-31 15:09

OneKey [16 bars, engelska]

Knock you out of the foodchain, slap your face with a suitcase
Until you can't look straight, like a fruitcake
You know the rules - what goes around comes around
And just for that you goes down before the sun goes up
(you girlfriend looks like Heinrich Himmler)
You were lookin' for a helpin' hand, but you found my finger
I'll slap you up with Mona Lisa - so get the picture
That I'm quit some ladykiller like Jack the Ripper
A muthafuckin' giant - I shave with machetes
And I was dope from the start like crackbabys
You fake-ass-dog! This is the wake-up call
Numbah One Kibosh - I flow sharp like makosharks
Even if I was the ice man, I couldn't be more coldhearted
I'm about to give you a fatlip like Shawn Carter
Call me the almighty God, writin' bars, fightin' constantly
Eight Nine - watch us hang out like drying laundry
Aight, andra försöket.

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