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AvM - Uncertainty

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-07-23 03:37

AvM - Uncertainty

Maybe it was my looks or my clothes, the pimples on my nose//
my shoes or my hat, the way that I act
maybe she stopped liking me because she was scared of all that//
or maybe she stopped because she wanted to, or knew me to well//
maybe she didn’t like my humour, or the way I smell//
maybe she stopped because of the simple fact that I don’t understand//
maybe she stopped because she needed to, or found another man//
maybe she never liked me at all, and everything was just a white lie//
or maybe she didn’t like the way that i compared her eyes to the night sky//
maybe it was the way i hugged her, or the fact that i loved her//
maybe it was because everything i said seem to float above her//
maybe i came on to strong, or maybe not strong enough//
maybe i should have been more emotional, or maybe more though//
Or maybe she is coming to my rescue, to try and save me//
or maybe it’s just the simple fact that im going crazy//
It was beautiful, it was exiting, Dreadful it was exiting//
it was amazing when love stroke down in my body like lighting//
She was beautiful, she was exiting amazingly enough she liked him//
but the flame died out, and the only thing that’s left is in writing//
She changed her mind, and simultaneously stopped the time//
and now i spends his days wishing he could rewind//
but for every day that passes, the girl with the glasses//
drifts further away, until his soul burns down like a matchstick//

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