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2005-06-26 10:07

Kanin Diss

...Saw ya texts that shyt was dead before it came...
...Wheres the inside jokes? expect ya name!...
...You talk alora shyt,no disses,just words...
...Call you a newbie makes more sentence then ya verse!...
...keep talkin shyt,ill make you my bitch...
...I'll silence you wit nothin else.. but my dick!...
...Lil'homie you got confident...
...How come when ya drop ya shyt you don't get any kompliment?...
...Diss me is only time you shyne...
...you ingnorent fuck one line from me rock ya blind...
...Kid you got potential, i mean a artistic act...
...Wonder why nobody give him feedback when his shyt is whack!...
...Oh wiee,if you wanna win you gotta do better...
...plus naw, I don't wanna battle a guy who becomes a quitter...

En snabb enkelt riktad verse till dej...haha