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Playing piano on the keyboard...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-06-18 01:20

Playing piano on the keyboard...

Holding a roasted paper, known to be boasting flagrant
One of the most amazing, escaping within my poetry
Y’all noticed me but who’s ever seen me win emotionally
the blended potions be the commencement in my senses
flipped the script with the pens and vented my entrance
invented the tension of a multie starting without ending
did mention what I’m sending over instrumentals bending-
earlobes; meeting global dissarray, just a distance away
missing the pace in the beat, while beating the pace
meeting a fleeing race of raving lunatics craving rhymes
saving time by flanging the angle of my waypoints
stuck, tangled in a weaved web, dangling by the joints
projected, a scilent entity, an identity waiting to get anointed
I’m appointed to stay sick eventhough my pen is illin’
Bending, filling, sending, drilling; send in the willing
Meant to amend the stature of a fullfilled homosapien
The mono’s shaping in, taping sins to escape again
Take the pen, you can have it back, as a matter of fact
You already smothered my habitat, brother grab the act
I really love the stab in the back, glad that you cracked
My crackelated surface sees no purpose of being nervous
I’m just a simple subservient serving the learning sense
Been burning since the Phoenix last went up in flames
Casted as the last to be stuck with a fucking name
Nowadays it’s numbers, right here for those that slumber
The dumber will awake as morning comes to day
The boring runs away while those that listen stay
To not miss the date where the wait for an end is close
Lending blows for you to puff; while tempting foes
Cuz we’ll all come to an end as far as ending goes
This here is the last stop, the final halt of destinations
So close your eyes and wait for the cause of innovations

So with one finger on the trigger and one lousy call away
We’ll wait for the final hour living on this ball of clay...

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein