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joto - Ten little indians

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-24 19:23

joto - Ten little indians

Tja... jag skrev en liten oseriös låt... en typ parodi på nån gammal barnvisa... har för mig den heter "tio små indianer " eller nått...
ajja... läs och lämna en kommentar...

Ten little indians walked over the road//
One indian broke his leg and the others did go//
So can it go, with those who dont watch their toes//
Ey lo, go and take care about your poor bro//

Nine little indians walked over a way//
One became homo, and the others said gay//
So can it go if you dont watch your brothers//
But fuck them, now back to the indian hookers//

Eight little indians walk over a street//
One got wacked up, because the others beefed//
So can it go, if you not can do some rapping//
But fuck that indian, now to some bitch slapping//

Seven little indians crossed a football pitch//
One got runned over, by a football trick//
So can it go if you are on a football pitch in-game//
Fuck these indians and turn on some slim shady//

Six little indians went to a McDonalds Restaurant//
One took a Big Mac, but died after just a half//
So can it go, if you might be eating to much//
But fuck the indians, they were just getting lunch//

Five little indians were chatting over the internet//
One talked with another and one with a wannabe elephant//
So can it go, with a blind indian on a computer//
But fuck the indians, back to smallville and Lex Luthor//

Four little indians were walking in the town//
One was drunk, so drunk he almost had drowned//
So can it go with to much alcoholics//
Fuck the indians, back to Final Fantasy the Chronicles//

Three little indians was dancing around a tree//
One fell and and broke his neck, very sweet//
So can it go, if you got very bad balance//
Fuck the indians, now the dont need ambulance//

Two little indians hel each others hands//
One were unfaithful and that broke their romance//
So can it go, between to homo indians//
But fuck the indians, and left is only one//

One little indian was left and was all alone//
He was suicidal, and died like Al Capone//
So can it go.. When your mind gets overtaken//
By you alter ego , and now all the indians lifes are taken//


When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold