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A feeling [dikt]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-21 23:55

A feeling [dikt]

"Time to stop loving. Time to breathe
Time to see: that love's not kind
Time to let go and time to heal
With a broken heart and empty mind

Searching the pieces all over the floor
The pieces of my rotten heart
You went out, and I locked the door
Like I wanted you away from the start

Hitting the wall with my fist
Like it would help to stop the pain
But I'll never get back all I mist
I just wish the past back again

(I scream but there's no reply
Cause no-one can hear a silent scream
Sometimes I almost wish to die
To wake up from this painful dream)"

by: Rachel.M 2005, May 21

Satte mig ner här, i behov av att få ut det jag kände, och skrev därför precis ner dessa rader precis. Vill gärna ha lite seriös kritik. Brukar inte jobba med engelska, men de svenska orden blev för många för att skriva ner.


Delam tange barat