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My creation.The World's creation.Your creation.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-20 16:26

My creation.The World's creation.Your creation.

Our own "me":
I know I have reasons to be sad,
but I'm gonna try to smile.
I know I have to see a future,
and never look behind.
But sometimes...They're coming,
and I'm starting to cry.
Promise you'll never leave me!
And hold me tight.
I fight through words, and
using them as a shelter.
Try to win ´something´, or make
myself feel better.

The World:
Maybe one day we'll see cleary,
and this would just be a moment. Life..
Just a flash of light, flash of life
and we'll have no regrets.
Maybe we live in a circle, and this
time allready have existed.
And we see in the future where
we've allready seen it. Life..

I don't know you:
You just live for tomarrow, but
you've got hurt yesterday.
So don't feel sorrow, until your
tears needs to waste..
You are that gentle person, and
you love your family.. mostly.
You feel sorry for poor kids, but
you're not exactly a poor kid..

I know you:
You're that wonderful person, that
loves without barricades.
You have my heart love in a bag on
your back, and I know you'll carry me...


Säg va ni tycker. Tack för mig! //KE.

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