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Michael - It's midnight..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-16 00:26

Michael - It's midnight..

Bara lite skit jag skrev ner nu.
Va tycks?

It's midnight, and it's time to sleep..
But I'm writing a letter, that I want ya to read
And how I feel for you, It's not a secret.
And if I say that I love ya, than you gotta belive it
I dream about you, and it feels so real
That I cry every time that I'm goin to sleep
I smoke weed to feel fine for while..
But when I'm back in reality I just wanna die
Can ya feel my pain, please try to understand!
Listen girl, you got my heart in your hands
I wanna talk to you cuz' I got a story to tell..
PLEASE LISTEN, even if it's boring as hell
I know ya don't like me and I hate the fact
But I beg ya on my knees: TAKE ME BACK!
I think about ya every day, I miss ya so..
Please baby.. I want you to come home
I'm puttin down this shit, with my pen..
Come back to me girl.. And love me again!
