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Rain - Hiding from the World

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-10 19:23

Rain - Hiding from the World

Här är en text jag skrev för länge sedan, men den är inte så flowvänlig men jag håller på att skriva om den, men jag vill gärna ha förslag hur jag kan oforumluera så jag får ut samma budskap.

Cause When I say it all to you, you know you got to trust me too
Because when I see you I believe you. I'll trust you no matter
what they say, because I know that this is the day
when you stop hiding from the world.

I've never ever been asked before, to open up the door,
to make you see, what an incredible person you really can bee.
But you have never ever give anyone a a chance, not even a glance
to see who you really are, the star, that lights up the darkest night,

That have taken the flight, into a place you think is right,
Where nobody can hear you cry, where nobody can see you die,
Where nobody hear the lies, of the life, that you have been fleeing from.


It has almost been a year you haven’t overcome a single fear, the ones you hold dear starts to wonder what you think, why you let the ship sink and why you run away from the day to stay in the shadow of despair, break free from your lair, breath the fresh air, dare to be yourself, do not hide, do not flee, be the person you was meant to be.

Break free and shine because you are so fine, cross the line and see again, because it doesn't matter when you are strong, that you been holding back for too long, now hear this song and trust me when I say it won't go wrong, don't be so slow, don't ly to low, stand up and see, the person that is for you meant to be.

REF x 2 !

No I won't come back, no no, won't come back

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