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Cancerous, you're fading away..=(

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-05-09 00:03

Cancerous, you're fading away..=(

Till dig, kommer att sakna dig!

I shed a tear cus' this thing called life is ephemeral
Takes twist n turns,bliss n burn,laugh and cry
Magic nights can turn into folks wishing their closest back to life
And that's just why I chose ta write n let my pen glow
Cus my family tree is withering,slowly turning leaves into mold
And it feels deep inside my soul when a face fades away
When blood in veins barely has the strength to pulsate days ahead
It makes me afraid when a branch is so brittle
That the slightest breez could make it fall
It makes me afraid when a hand is so little n thin
That it trembles as fast as she tries ta lift her arm..
It makes me afraid to witness a person leave for death
Seeing her fade away,blending in with the bottomsheets on her bed
So cancerous....
But to see that you still smile is amazing
That you still appreciate life and it's makings,it's the greatest
Because I know you're scared to death,ironic ain't it?
And it hurts like hell to know you're lying alone,crying at nights
You don't wan't die,we don't wan't you to die
But we all know that it's time for you to close you're blue,wonderful eyes
I just hope you're still alive as I wright this song
So I can visit tomorrow,show you all my love
And then hug you goodbye and let life go on..

I don't wan't you to die!