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I still won't keep a hand on my mouth...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-04-10 22:17

I still won't keep a hand on my mouth...

sometimes it feels like my life is lagging behind
i'm a useless commodity someone’s dragging around
with random amounts of things to be bragging about
and problems, yeah i've got em, society's handin em out
am i a man or a mouse... well sometimes i wonder
when i feel trapped with no plan or chance to get out
it's like my own fate is dancing around
behind me with a laughing sound in my face while it's pullin my pants to the ground
and when my soul is attacked by damaging clouts
of stress.. i wanna flee but find myself stranded back in the couch
in my mind it's like i'm always the new man in a town
ignored, stressed, lonely and banned from the house.. panicking sounds
i want a change but when i'm out examining ground
poverty bothers me but not really enough when glamour's around
at least i think i'm past sanity now.. answering how
prepared to bow but still won't sit down and keep a hand on my mouth

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Vet att det är lång rader, men jag har skrivit detta till beatet, som f.ö. är skitbra, och det är flowable as fuck, lite Tonedeff-aktigt på vissa ställen. Vet att ingen orkar läsa, men skitsamma, jag tycker att det är en bra text.
