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I am standing in the rain

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-29 00:19

I am standing in the rain

Bara en vers till och börja med...va tycks?

I am standing in the rain and freezing without you
Why do I cry it makes no reason so fuck you
People are strange like burn yourself
Fuck everybody I don’t need any help
You talk about makin your life worth livin
You are wrong about yourself and the things you believe in
Before I met you my life was a mes
Now its worse and I feel that I can’t hate you les
I have tried to make everything work but it didn’t
all my love that I gave wasn’t good enough for heaven
my hate fly away like a bird after this
all I have done and you can’t give me a kiss
were you worth all this I mean did you get something from it
would it be better if I took of and never done this
Now I am standing here and can’t find a good reason
why don’t jump would it really make any difference

// Mind-c