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VikktoriuS-A Body Full Of Mold

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-16 17:25

VikktoriuS-A Body Full Of Mold

Skriven lite snabbt en kämpig kväll...!Skriv gärna vad ni tycker!

May seem like a fresh guy but i feel like im filled with mold,
Everybody sees warmth but inside i only feel so cold.
I look like a star but my light has since long been put out,
Seems like i´m calm but i just wanna scream and shout,
I feel like i know what my feeling are all about,
But I just keep on walking even thou im a worn out scout.
How is it that problems naturally seem to seek me up,
when i want to blossom but my souls just a dead crop,
It has o stop.but good has lost the fertilizer i need,
but i will be happy if i only would evolve to a seed,
im covered with greed.but i need to get it out of my head,
couse these feelings break me down everytime i go to bed.
My feeling need to galvanize so they can reach a solution,
or else my body will ALWAYS search for polution.
And it will be found couse it´s everywhere inside of me,
but i´ll find a cure so one day i can evolve to a tree.
My bodys filled with mold,and im feeling so cold,
couse i just dont wanna grow old,and get bold.
Most make my time here worth the while,
or else all my bad feelings will fill up on a pile.