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A Strong Pilar Falling Down [Storytelling]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-03-07 15:35

A Strong Pilar Falling Down [Storytelling]

His patience was gone, One last night in the cell,
Tomorrow, She's not just a ghost alive inside his head.
Spent a lot of time thinking, All the cold nights in prisson,
He's starting all over again, Making the right decisions.
Finaly free, Walking to the same old dirty parking lot.
So happy to see the same old dirty parking lot.
Not to far away, She'll heal his broken heart today,
He get's back inside the same old car again.
Planning to surprise her so he doesn't bother to call.
Quick stop, Picking up a bottle of whine at the grocerystore.
Parks in the garage, Heading to his girlfriends apartement,
A strong pilar falling down the second somebody opens the door.

Another man opens the door,
Looks into his eyes and then he closes the door.

A strong pilar falling down, Crushed by it's love,
He lowers his head, With a face covered in mud.
He leaves the apartment, Turn around the keys in the car,
Leaves the garage fast as the pedals beats the carpet.
It was going to be perfect, Every little part of it,
But as many times before reality does the straight opposite.
It's pointless, Nothing seem to works to his benefit,
He's lost somewhere in the smoke from his burning cigarette.
Why did the same thing happen again?
Back in the same old pattern again.
He get's his shovel and starts digging,
He'll never open up again, Burried inside himself.

My first lyrics posted on whoa.
Hate it or love it.

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