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Thornless Rose

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-09 23:23

Thornless Rose

I once caught an angel and now she's my girl/
it's not really the right word, because she's my world!/
I want nothing more than to see her heavenly face everyday/
she gave me a place in her heart were I will forever stay/
I definately sway at the rythm of her hips/
she's got the sweetest of lips (you got the sweetest of lips) /
I miss your kisses! Will you please become my Mrs?/
That's number 1 to 99 on my list of a hundred wishes/
I would slumber through thunder with you by my side/
You make me feel so good, it's true I fly high skies/
It's truly like living a dream, I walk clouds/
If I talk loud it's just because I wanna get out to a large crowd/
cuz I want everyone to know, I want everyone to see/
but mostly I want you to feel that you're everything to me!/
I'll hold you up above and I will never let you fall/
Our love is like a thornless rose and it can never get to tall!/

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