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Revolution... eller nått..=/

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-06 20:24

Revolution... eller nått..=/

jäpp... hehe...
want to join me as i desecrate america?/
we be spreading like a virus, infecting every area/
it's to late to stop it , im in comand/
as we convert every state on that stolen land/
we stand united hand in hand/
as we watch the revolution we created expand/
as planned/don't understand why we're doing this to you/
"the center of the world"/ fuck red white and blue/
next step is the big house, the white house,
we sneak across the white-lawn/shit it's 1 hour 'til dawn/
move in to the lobby, dont think you ass is getting blessed/
we kill any motherfucker who dares to protest/
in this case there were two who stod in my way/
so i shot their chest open with my AK /
then we moved upp the stairs to the presiden's room/
move in with my crew....KABOOM/

revolution in my mind...

in the the room i see bush and his family/
sitting with dick cheney drinking tea and apparantly/
talking bout the big invation/ that has trucked their nation/
then i hear myself take part in their conversation/
sayin "stay down motherfuckers don't even breath/
cuz i will smoke u faster than rasta man smoke's weed"/
4 bushes and a dick, lay down like they were knocked out/
than that fucking bitch Laura open her mouth/
pointed my gun at that stupid bitch's head/
PANG. now the bitch is dead/ how sad/
then one of my men open up his back-pack/
handed me 4 snares that'll make their necks snap/
try to claim that they know people, emty treaths/
my man handed me 4 paper bags to put over their heads/
opend upp the windows, 10 000 people outside/
everyone had heard about us in the papers world wide/
put the snares round their necks as they wore struggeling to get loose/
crying for god but for no use/
pushed them out the window one by one/
4 bodies hung by their neck in the morning sun/
the killing's just begun/

revolution in my mind ...

turned around to face the one man alive/
who was willing to do anything i asked for, to survive/
i pointed the gun to his head/ and said/
the things that i want u can't bring me, so instead/
the jury has reached their conclusion/
i have to kill u, you can see it as an execution/
cuz you'are guilty for killing people in iraq
your voted for the death penalty,... now wanna take it back?
put the gun to his head execution style/
pull the trigger, fuck trial/
it can seem hartless but it leads to solution
anybody want to join my REVOLUTION?

revolution in my mind...

ni får ha överseende me felstavningar å andra defekter...

and THAT you can quote...