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Komik- The most precious thing..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-15 17:34

Komik- The most precious thing..

Simple words whispered, emptiness filled the emptiness-
I realised, your meaning behind your words was worth less-
Worthless, blinded by love I couldn’t see through you-
Eyes, windows of the soul, I want to see through you..

Walking alongside an unexplored pavement, lonely-
The distance is eternity of fake intensions that stoned me-
Pain, I desided to wear it for you, I found it suitable-
Decieved, by my own definition of something beautiful..

The rose that I gave you, you let it die and turn black-
My hands blooded by thorns of it, and I can’t just lie and turn back-
You promised me a light, so I wouldn’t get lost in the shadows-
Fuck cupid! My life is slippin’ away, dying becouse of his arrows!

Memories, is just chronicles of particals in life’s hour glass-
I drown in the quicksand of time, couse you made me live to fast-
And as I take my final breath and close my eyes, she just looks at me-
Leaves me with my destiny, and the most precious thing she took from me..

The End..

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!