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2004-12-22 18:04

I love you

There is no law that goes "I can't love you"
What's your reason to bend the truth
There is no law that goes "you cant love him" my boo
You cant lie to me cause I see right trough you

/There's no final ending for our problems
If you don't got the power do fight them
I all i want is to hold you in my arms,
Hope you understand what's inside this bars,
our relation i like a wonderful curse
a endless and most beautiful search/

i love you, i love you, i love you...

/Just let me enjoy the slow show of love
stretch your fingers out and feel the adrenaline flood
A power of full suffix is rushing in our blood
I was made for you, my heart beats for you
I would die for you, i would sacrifice all i own for you
Our life is evidences of genuine love/

There is no law that goes "I can't love you"
Tell me, what's your reason to bend the truth
There is no law that goes "you cant love him" my boo
You can lie to me, but I see right trough you

i love you, i love you, i love you ...

Vad tycker ni om denna ? första på engelska :D

Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever.
Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."