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Busringning till SEEN

Vår Hiphop - Graffiti


2006-06-18 14:25

Busringning till SEEN

Jag och en kompis hade rökt på en hel del och fick idéen att busringa till SEEN!

Seen har ju ett tatueringställe som heter SEENTATTOO och självfallet letade vi upp numret och ringde.

Så här gick det:

Seentattoo Kille: Welcome to seentattoo, how may I help you.

Nattugglan: I would like to speek to Seen.

Seentattoo kille: Seen is not here at the moment.

Nattugglan: When will he be in?

Seentattoo kille: I don't know, may I take a message? Seen does not tattoo anymore.

Nattugglan: Get out of here! So what does he do?

Seentattoo kille: He is pretty much not doing anything, he just hangs around!

Nattugglan: *kvävda skratt* B..but if I wanted to get a tattoo by Seen and I paid him a great deal of money, would he do it?

Seentattoo kille: Eerr..who is this?

Nattugglan: It's ..öööh..Mike!

Seentattoo kille: *hahaha* okey...

Nattugglan: So do you think he would do the tattoo?

Seentattoo kille: You would have to be completly naked dude.

Nattugglan: Really? Why?

Seentatto kille: He likes guybush.

Nattugglan: I didn't know he was into that kinda stuff.

Seentattoo kille: You would be surprised!

Sedan pallade han nog inte mer och började trycka på massa knappar, men fan vad kul det var!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alla barnen gjorde wholecars utom Hussein, han gjorde ett wholetrain.