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Write4Gold 2006

Vår Hiphop - Graffiti


2005-11-12 16:03

Write4Gold 2006

japp, dags igen, saxat från www.write4gold.info:

Write4Gold Scandinavia 2006

Date: 24th of june

Location: Hamnen i Norrköping

City: Norrköping

Country: Sweden

Event Details: for all crews from Denmark,Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland

Registration: Participation Form (online file)

On june 24th, 2006 the harbour in norrköping will be again the venue for all graffiti artists from all over scandinavia. Once again, one of the biggest live aerosol art events in scandinavia. Apart from the main event, there will be a diverse supporting programme offered by the organizers and the goethe institut stockholm .Participating in the international exhibitions and visiting participants of the swedish aerosol market. Furthermore we plan one more special action in stockholm, watch out till end of november.

Aerosol Art Exhibition "Germany vs Sweden"

City: Stockholm


Date: 19th of june - 24th of june 2006




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