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Katten90 vs. Leonelli

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2007-06-04 15:12

Katten90 vs. Leonelli


Okay Ill write in english for the first time
this cursed guy is a rapper of the worst kind
when you face me your legs turns into jelly
this smelly leonelli is so disturbing that ill hit him in the belly
you looks like pacman and raps like scatman
you will allways be less cool than me like robin in batman
youre so annoying just like an itchy louse
this is a text battle cus you sounds like mickey mouse


Just tell me - why would I ever bother battle you
when U already know - I´ll fuck you with a gun or two
Oh yeah i´m the worst - and i´m done with you lazy little maggot
a man with thirst - but I ain´t fuckin´with faggots
U frontin´ style to me - but yours are of the worst kind ever
watchin´cartoon to see - how it´ll make you sound clever
but that ain´t clever - it´s sand n´ spade style
think you know battle cause U´ve seen the 8 mile...

först till 5 - aiiit!

- "breaka... är de när man är ute och slåss med polisen?
du är väl inte ute och slåss eller...."