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TNS VS Hallicsander [8 Bars, engelska]

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2007-05-29 01:11

TNS VS Hallicsander [8 Bars, engelska]


man who are you? you are a fuckin drug abuser//who am i man im the future//

So i will rip you neck off//

and give you an electric shock//

and i will play with your head up and down//

remember this day whan hallic was in town//

so i will flip this shit and end this quick//

tha G who gets passed out from one bong hit//


eyo look at this lunatic, he is claimin' that he's the future

you just a bitch, that's playin' gangsta over the computer

no bitch I won't shoot yah, cuz I'll rather kill you verbally

shiiiit haven't you heard of me, I'm the lyricists murder G

my lyrics is the bomb, tick tick tack, the clock ran out, shit

you tried to run, but the clock ran faster, ain't that a bitch

and now you thinkin', shit and bitch, that guy can't rhyme at all

but I'm battlin' Hallic, so those rhymes made me look like a God

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