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B-Dub Vs. StrapStar, 10 bars Engelska

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2007-02-16 01:47

B-Dub Vs. StrapStar, 10 bars Engelska


Strapstar, more like strap-on star //
Im challenging you, and its like getting hit by a car //
Im tired of your bullshit, youre fucked up now //
After im done here the rapstar in strapstar will be gone like your selfconsience in WoW //
people are as scared of me as kids are of MJ //
maybe u shud skip rap and go into dj //
or maybe cocksucking i know u can do that well //
by now ur life should already be a living hell //
I took a break from hustlin just to verbaly break ur nose //
so please spare urself some trouble and accept that this, u will loose //



Everything that comes from my jaw is raw, from yours its just soft //
So i rip it off and blast it off with a sawed off' //
Ripping off your limbs bitch B-dub is dropping his chin //
If ure fat, I'd rather stay thin, i got this feelin' //
When you jack off to pictures of 5 year old Xiao Ming //
That kids are scared of you and Jacko for the same reason //
Make my life a living hell? im living well, feel the victory smell //
Get used to be behind counters all day when you'll be working at Shell //
Break my nose ha! ure the one who's getting verbaly bitchslapped // 
Don't take a break from hustling, just skip that, anyway all you got was a tic tac //
    *flera pistolskott*

Dont Fuck with the Juicemen!