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C_Mag Vs Niito ( 8 bars Eng )

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-10-22 15:42

C_Mag Vs Niito ( 8 bars Eng )


rip my flow motherfucker do what ever you like//
your motherfucker your not starting to infecting my psyke//
your motherfucker, all the bitch motherfuckers //
so you snitch motherfucker, so I started to spit motherfucker//
I spit you rich your motherfucker//
C. Mag just grab the mic like a motherfucker//
To sentemantal get your riddle aside//
my word complex makes it harder to whrite//
but all weed makes it better to rhyme//
i'm not so good now, but I will get better at any time//


Motherfucker, is that all u can say? Try something else instead
Calling me a motherfucker, Cuz u found me and your mum in bad?
You are starting to infect my psyche whit your lousy “ Rhymes”
Your text was weak bitch , My name is Granit, im hard like dime
Fuck man, do you think that you can be the victor against the master
Get better at any time? I hop for your own, that the time goes faster
Usually I don’t battle in English, But man. I could do it whit you

Highfive anyone, anyone?