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2005-03-08 20:13

JoTo v.s. Contra

8 bars, 7 röster och valfritt språk..

Ey yo Contra, do not think think I´m getting slow at you then you are wrong//
You are wack, But I got style as Jigedy-James Bond//
So I am now standing here battling a guy that mistook R-C for Kiwi//
Why do you battle me? When you can´t kick on freebeats//
Dawg, you are so fucking fucked up in your fucking head//
You are so fucked up that you smile while you are fucking dead//
So do not make me make you say "JoTo I lose you win"//
It is to late, you aint getting fucked up by me but my evil twin//

Go go go...

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold