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[Audio] illerill - Better Days

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2012-08-19 19:34

[Audio] illerill - Better Days


It's sick you know... All this murdering, raping, the f*** s the matter with you? It's time to question ourselves... Are we gonna achieve peace by spreading hatred? Come on...


Why do we fight, why do we cry, why aint we living our lives
What is the problem with just being nice?
I ask you what the f*** is the problem with just being nice?

Have you never been wondering why clouds cry?
Why happy moments, they turn to loud fights, why dark skies
exist, have you ever wandered out side
seen kids smile, but thinking why some die?
Why some are trained, everyday, to aim with aks?
Why some are sprayed, some split by 'nades?
Why nations invade? why people betray?
Why kkk was ever made? why people are afraid to aid?
I did today (yeah)
I took a minute, and then a tear fell
We wanna live in welfare.. and then the fear came
There's only one clear lane in this queer game
On the level, every act's just a staircase to heaven
I'm writing these letters, prayers to humanity
trying to find a savior to be breaking this insanity
Saying you need clarity, cuz my letters fade
Yet I'm staying here writing, awaiting better days


Why do we fight, why do we cry, why aint we living our lives
What is the problem with just being nice?
I ask you what the f*** is the problem with just being nice?

I'm amazed by the fact that our earth's still maintained
These monstrous acts and the hate, when will people stay safe?
It's insane... this constant lack of debates, a curse
We can't attract a change if we can't converse
How we gonna make peace, if the soldiers can't cease?
Or by equipping all these aircrafts with bomb racks?
A father hating and partaking in assassinations
Cuz praying wasn't making his son to come back
How are we gonna make peace by being racists?
Face it, every born black is not a scum bag
The songs sad, the playlist want it gone fast
Rearrange it, cuz everybody's on the wrong track
Tell me will we make it, will we learn we're all sacred?
The past we can't change it, take a turn and erase it
It's basic, yall don't want a world that's desecrated
Lets break this wall of hatred, make a way for changes


Why do we fight, why do we cry, why aint we living our lives
What is the problem with just being nice?
I ask you what the f*** is the problem with just being nice?

I read in the daily news, Israeli dude
Ignite a fuse slaying women and babies too
They took your land, that's your main excuse
But is it worth the blood showering the way you choose?
Is power worth the blood of others?
Of your sisters and brothers? then you're brainwashed too
And hate is spreading hatred, you better believe
That one day it is your feet that's on the retreat
I transmit lines defined by the rhymes that I spit
But everyone's like "I don't give a f*** about this"
And so the tougher it gets, here and worldwide
Civilians die, that's not your concern, right?
But tell me what will happen when we get the violence?
When your family died by your side, I wonder man
Will you cry or are you fine with keep sitting silent?
I wonder man why we must die to understand?


Why do we fight, why do we cry, why aint we living our lives
What is the problem with just being nice?
I ask you what the f*** is the problem with just being nice?

And I aint perfect you know... Sometimes I ask myself too... Cuz I don't get it... I really don't get it...

(Inlägget ändrat av illerill 2012-08-19 19:39:14)