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[Audio] Problem - Countdown

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2010-04-28 03:53

[Audio] Problem - Countdown

Efter en lång dag framför datorn med sprudlande tankegångar
så klistrade jag ihop en vers på ett översoft beat, och tänkte:
''Shit, jag måste försöka få till en soft reff till detta ju!''

Vet inte om jag lyckades dock, så det hade varit underbart med lite feedback!:)

Skiten hittar du på:

Här finns den som Mp3'a:

Tanka, Lyssna, Kommentera & Sprid! :)



-Reff 2x-
Please, you should shut you mouth now, heeeey!
(Who are you, bitch?)
Everyone's lookin' at me.
(You ain't shit to noone!) and,
if anyone changes the game, this is it,
get ready for the count down!

How we're doin' shit now, I'm a lunatic,
trippin' thru the universe, hallucinate, I'm used to it.
you know that I'll bring drama from the stage that I've been standin' on,
takin over the world, no one has heard, anyone better than me on this planet dawg.

yeah, I have my elbows up,
you know that I will take the time I need to murder all theese rappin' leprechauns.
I will just, run over them with a range rover,
I'm a gameboy, I let the players know that Game's over.

your local dealer, bring the shit you boys believe in,
I'm hot as fire, you fuckers just must be freezin'.
Chillin', on the corner of an abandoned white house,
but no one on the corner has a swagger like us!

Bitch, this ain't no fruity loops, it's bullet proof,
I'll knock you ten thousand feet up, untill you loose your shoes.
so you better get your runnin' gear sneaks on,
'Cause I'm about to chase you with lyrics untill the beats gone.

-Reff 2x-
Please, you should shut you mouth now, heeeey!
(Who are you, bitch?)
Everyone's lookin' at me.
(You ain't shit to noone!) and,
if anyone changes the game, this is it,
get ready for the count down!


Om sanningen ska fram, så ljuger jag.