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PMKI - No Body Knows How I Feel Inside (16 Bars)

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2009-11-07 17:33

PMKI - No Body Knows How I Feel Inside (16 Bars)

Haft en vers liggande ett tag men inte vetat vad det skulle bli utav den.. men det får bli som det blir så jag slänger upp den som en session här..

Länk till http://www.speedyshare.com/111585768.html

postar texten med !

i'm not a product but my mind screams for attention/
whould like to rap about a widescreen in my mansion/
but i aint really there, i just gotta keep grindin/
workin hard so at the 25' man, ill be smilin/

but in the booth i can forget bout the stress/
all the sorrows and pain, that is over my head/
i'm ego trippin, feels like my future is written down/
in sentences on paper in my hand before i'll spit it out/

no body knows how i feel inside/
whould like to sit back with a sixpack and be spittin rhymes/
u have to understand that i dont wanna se u cry/
but it was the right time to say goodbye/

what whould have happened if i hadn't said those things/
if i hadn't made those moves, whould you helped me to stop/
but anyway, i feel better now/
but although sometimes, even long times, i'll beg u to come/