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Djibreel - Remove the Blinds

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2005-07-06 17:18

Djibreel - Remove the Blinds

Inspelad hemma. Omixad men låter bra.

Djibreel - Remove the Blinds

Vers 1

Im dicotomous and I stay anonymous
Reminisce to the lands of the Apocalyps
Uplift.. Generations of livin things
On the banks of the rivers where free men sing
Lets begin with the story of the past time
ive seen enough things in Life I know really shines
Comin through, like a native american
On a horseback like ancient Sumerians
from the birth place of original days
fightin occupation together with praise
Raise, the only true sustainer of life
times not enough to get u back in this strife
gotta swallow my pride in order to survive
gotta stay alive for a atleast a little while
Prepare to meet 2 different armies in the night
The ones with the guns and the ones hidden from sight

Vers 2

This world works in mysterious ways
delerious rays from irrational days
the passionate ways i discovered as a youngster
still remains the quickest way to avoid the dumpster
Ridin through the Pyramids, i was only ten
not aware of the scare of many men, many many men
many men comin through to attack
to seek a big stack like the War in Iraq
whatchu think now whatchu think was the sign
the only thing workin is them oil pipelines
they colonize a people in the name Freedom
while back in the states they enslaved by the Media
Imperialist crooks writing in your history books
like when i walk the earth and I recieve that special look
A lot of people like to join hands walk in gangs
Im startin to understand im startin get the hang

Vers 3

Where Im from u stay quiet cause u dumb
thats what they can't belive their eyez when they see Djibreel
My gestures attract eyes so they spy
My words attract minds so they ask why?
My thoughts are banned like Al jazeera in the west
and half the middle east and they're puppet regimes
It seems the further u enable your past
to reach you, the longer you last
Uncertain like the next day, i remain
they try to get u off track but i maintain
The individual is robbed from the state
of his rights and his rights to remain
I give my love out to the rebel movements across the world
across the whole fucking globe
The question still remains
the Ballod or the Bullet, its time for the Bullet