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[Audio & Video] Jas Mace and Marchitect are The 49ers

Utländsk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2008-12-09 14:13

[Audio & Video] Jas Mace and Marchitect are The 49ers

The 49ers debut album, Equilibrium, was released in 2007 and has been well received by critics and fans alike. Philadelphia’s popular Hip-Hop website, 215HipHop.com , took notice to Equilibrium as one that was completely produced and written by The 49ers with no guest appearances and claims, “The 100% we do it all our self method produces nothing but high quality music, which these guys do extremely well.”

Equilibrium is full of live instruments, with a blend of unique sampling, and clever lyrics well beyond your nursery rhyme rappers that saturate the radio airwaves today.

Jag har själv hört något med dom tidigare men that's it liksom, men snurra runt på myspace (myspace is the shit) och mannen! LYSSNA =D



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