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2pac-interljuv från svenska tidningen OKEJ

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2011-07-07 12:18

2pac-interljuv från svenska tidningen OKEJ

för dom som bryr sej.


Interview with OKEJ (Swedish Magazine) on 9-2-96
My Dream Came True

What's gonna be your New Year's promise?

I'll do more exercise! Jan. 1st, I'll start doin' 300 pushups each day.

How many are you doing now?

I can do 300 one day, but then I don't do anymore the next day. I'd really like to do something regularly. And I'd like to be some kinda role model so that the next generation actors, entertainers and...yeah, people in general try to get in better shape. It's important!

What does your acting career give you that the music don't?

Orgasms! I used to think that musicians were the ones that got the most sex, Tupac says and laughs so much that he's falling from his chair. Then Tupac tries to give me a serious answer. That's like askin' a woman what she gets from bein' a mother, that the career can't give her. It's a totally different kinda satisfaction, a different kinda joy, but they are similar, 'cause they're both creative, says Tupac, who feels privileged to be both an actor and a rapper. One night I record a video, next mornin' I'm here makin' a movie....

How do you avoid that your success goes to your head?

The society prevent that from happenin', by puttin' me in jail for a crime I've never committed! It makes you humble...

What do you think is the biggest misunderstanding about your personality?

There are so many... The biggest one is that I'm one-sided.. That's me? I'm born in the gemini... I'm a gemini, young, black, and a Bloods member. I've got many different sides. I'm a communist. I thirst for knowledge. I'm hard to put in a box, so they try to make me look like I'm crazy. That's the biggest misunderstanding 'bout me.

Are there anything from your time in prison that you can use in a positive direction?

Good question. In prison I was demanding to go into bankruptcy. I was just about to do it, when a friend of mine advised me not to, 'cause it would lower my credibility. So, instead I went to court, and won, says Tupac and tells that time, in prison I had nothing. No acting career, no music career, nobody wanted to have nothin' do with me. A rape charge is the worst thing you can get! You get marked. But I knew myself that I hadn't committed the crime I was charged for, so I kept the faith. I didn't commit suicide with an AK, did I? And it felt like God, himself, were holdin' his hand over me when my CD- which was the most expensive someone's ever did this year- sold in 6 million copies. The best sellin' album!! So, the good thing by bein' in jail was this: My "million $ dream" came true, you know what I'm sayin'? It's all that! And it ain't stoppin' yet! Nothin' can stop me now! says Tupac and with a serious expression on his face, he continues with, when you've reached the absolute bottom, like I did, then you're free. Nothin' can hurt me!!

Where do you live now?

Where I live? You mean which country or state? I've got a big house n' good friends down in L.A.

Is Tupac your real name?

My real, starts Tupac and tells about his name, the Patriot Tupac who never gave up. Though, when people ask I never tell without sayin' my name means determined, 'cause I've decided never to start slangin' again. Nobody's gonna gimme their power so that I can live longer, that's why I ain't gonna give mine to nobody either. Instead I just take deep breaths.

Which one's the biggest myth about fame?

That all celebrities wanna be famous. People think that you shouldn't complain if someone comes up to you and rip off your clothes, 'cause as a celebrity you've chose it, says Tupac, who describes himself as down to earth and ordinary.

Do you think you'll get a new audience now that you're making a movie?

The fact that I sold five-six million albums shows that it ain't only black homies from the ghetto, and wiggas that listen to my music. I've got audience everywhere. Both Americans and people outside the USA. I love the Swedish! I've been to Sweden and I loved it!

Are you planning to go on tour?

Yeah, I am!!! Tupac Promised.

(Inlägget ändrat av Gogaku 2011-07-07 18:18:40)

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