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Favoritpunchlines av din favoritrappare

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2009-04-21 14:24

Favoritpunchlines av din favoritrappare

Den här tråden är avsedd för punchlines författade av den rapparen ni diggar mest just nu.

Favoritrappare: Crooked I

Punchline 1: No Crooked I dont fear you/
I only wish you could rap faster than the speed of sound so i wouldnt have to hear you/

Punchline 2: And the lyrics that I quote, poke through my clothing/
My father didn’t want me here but I broke through a Trojan/

Punchline 3: Plus gangsta rap ain't dead, it never died/
It took steroids to the head and became Crooked I/

Punchline 4: What do I think of the industry ? think its a fag fest/
rappers wearing their boxers backwards for easy access/