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Slaugtherhouse i XXL magazine

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2009-03-05 12:59

Slaugtherhouse i XXL magazine

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Tre delar totalt, står en hel del matnyttigt där men det mest intressanta för folk här är kanske den här biten.

"XXL: With this being such a big project, the beats have to be just as big and just as hard. How are you guys going about developing a sound for the album from a production standpoint ?

Ortiz: Well, Red Spyda has been recruited to do a lot of the beats. But I really don’t wanna trip over who. The word who really bugs me when it comes to beats. That’s part of our M.O. We don’t care about the names of any producers. I want regular ass 19 or 20-year-old kids to submit beats on the internet. If it’s nice, let’s go. We don’t want this to be about a name. Don’t get me wrong, if one of these bigger producers submit something that’s heat, we’ll run with it. But I don’t want people to hear the CD and turn it over to see who produced the song, I want them to be like ‘did you just hear that shit?’ I wanna give opportunities to anybody, any underdog, who’s making beats in the basement that they know is crack, send them in. We giving everybody a fair shot. This is a misfit project. This is a rebel project, something totally to the left. It’s about the music and nothing else. No industry shit.-Anthony Roberts
Verkar som man är villiga att ge varenda nisse som gör beats en chans iaf och att man är villig att lyssna innan man discardar det.

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