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[BILDER] Suge Knight blir knockad!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-05-12 04:07

[BILDER] Suge Knight blir knockad!

Suge Knight was laid out last night. I can’t believe I am typing these words with my own fingers! The dude hit Suge and Suge was rendered unconscious at the Shag nightclub in Hollywood. Suge and some man were seen talking and then the conversation went way life, with Suge demanding money (according to reports). Suddenly, they say, Suge and other men run up on the dude. They strike and kick him. This is the odd part. Somehow, another man gets in a headlock by Suge, who was asking for his cell phone. The man that was beat down got him despite catching a beat down. He then did the unthinkable: landed a right hook to Suge’s face.

Suge was out for about three minutes, according to tmz.com. When Suge woke up, he still wanted his phone.

Suge is the one in the yellow.

There is a lot of blood. I wonder who owns that blood?

Looks like he's getting his thoughts together and some people look very concerned.

That one security dude is really nice, tending to Suge and all that.

The aftermath: Suge has reportedly said that he'll be dealing with this on his own, without the police. I wonder what exactly does he mean?