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Big Noyd to Release Episodes of a Hustla Part 2

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-02-29 19:02

Big Noyd to Release Episodes of a Hustla Part 2

TSS: That’s funny you say that because that’ my next question. You’ve been rapping for so long, it’s gotta be more than a paycheck for you at this point. Would you say the music is like therapeutic?

Big Noyd: Oh definitely man, I tell people it’s therapeutic all the time. When I’m stressing or even when I’m happy, I’m in the studio. Even if I’m not working on an album, I’m in the studio. To entertain myself, I’m in the studio. I don’t even go out to clubs like I used to. Ya know, I’ve been around the world, I’ve done everything twice. Like the last spot I was in was during the tribute to Jam Master Jay besides me going to a club to promote Illustrious. And yeah, I’m grindin’, we’re not waiting another year to drop another project. Me, Hav, and Alchemist are working on Episodes Of A Hustla II cuz ya know the first one was just an EP so we looking to get that out in the next 7 months, so keep your eyes open for that one.

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