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Blueprint släpper en ny EP i Februari

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-01-26 21:23

Blueprint släpper en ny EP i Februari

"Hello friends. It's been a minute since I've put something out, but it's that time again. I'm going to get 2008 started with an EP titled Blueprint vs Funkadelic.  If you've ever heard of Parliment Funkadelic then you know that they're pioneers and their music from the 70s started a whole movement.

I sat down with a bunch of their records and my MP2000 and came out with Blueprint vs Funkadelic.  It's a short EP and something i had a lot of fun doing. It will be available in February on Weightless Recordings, probably for the low cost of $5.  I will post more details after i confirm a release date.  For now i leave you with the sketches of the artwork (by adam martin)."

album art:


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