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Jay-z lämnar Def Jam

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-12-25 13:52

Jay-z lämnar Def Jam


Jay recently spoke to EW about Def Jam’s 26 Grammy nods and the status of his contract negotiations.

The New York Daily News said last week that talks were stalling because you made some big demands. Is there any truth to that?
So from your perspective, do you think you’ll be at Def Jam next year?
Yeah, I think — I don’t know. Let me not even say that. I don’t know. We’ll see how it goes. But seriously, it’s not about money. That’s really the last thing. Of course, as a person that does these type of things and puts his heart and soul into it — and it’s effective, as the Grammys would indicate — you want to be compensated for what you do. But it’s really not about money. It’s really about the future of the music business, and not wasting anyone’s time. I don’t ever want to sit in a seat just to sit in a seat. I could be off doing something else that’s beneficial to the future of the music business as well as myself. So it’s not about money! I mean, you couldn’t pay me enough. And I don’t mean that in a cocky way.

My money says he won’t leave.  

Niggas playing checkers with chess playing Hov


Says him:
"Now it’s time for me to take on new challenges," he said in a statement. "I am pleased to have had the opportunity to build upon the Def Jam legacy…" 

Says LA:
"Jay made it clear to us that he feels the time has come to take on different challenges in his life. While we regret his decision to move on, we certainly respect it…"



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