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Scratch Magazine lägger ner!!!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-09-21 14:41

Scratch Magazine lägger ner!!!

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Checka nyheten!

"After three years in circulation, Scratch magazine -- whose parent company is Harris Publications, the company behind XXL and several other magazines -- is closing its doors.

Although BallerStatus got word from a source close to the situation earlier this week, the magazine gave an official announcement via their official Myspace page.

According to Sohh.com, the magazine's end comes after XXL editor-in-chief, Elliot Wilson, took over an advisory role over the publication, transforming the mag into XXL Presents: Scratch -- a move that was intended to appeal its readership to a wider audience, while still keeping its core fan base of DJ, producer, and engineer enthusiasts.

The mag's first issue came out in January of 2004, according to Wikipedia, and was headed by XXL online editor Brendan Frederick.

Via their Myspace page, the Scratch staff said that readers remember their good times. "Don't mourn us, remember the good times, rap nerds!"

The reasons for the closing were unknown at press time.

Scratch's final issue, being its 20th, will feature 50 Cent and Timbaland on the cover and will include additional stories on Just Blaze, David Banner, The Alchemist, Irv Gotti, The RZA, 9th Wonder and a special feature on Chicago "Juke" music."

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