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Turk åker in.. 12 år..

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-04-27 16:19

Turk åker in.. 12 år..

MEMPHIS, Tenn. A judge in Memphis has sentenced rapper Tab "Turk" Virgil to 12 years in prison on his "best interest" plea in the shooting of a sheriff's deputy.
The 25-year-old Virgil pleaded yesterday to attempted second-degree murder -- reduced from attempted first-degree murder.

Last year Virgil was convicted in federal court of being a felon, drug addict and fugitive in possession of a firearm and was sentenced to ten years. He had a previous felony drug conviction from his native New Orleans.

Virgil was accused of firing shots from a bedroom closet during a drug raid. Shots struck SWAT team deputy Chris Harris four times. Virgil denied ever firing the shots.

Harris was still recovering when he attended Virgil's sentencing on the federal charge last October.

State prosecutors have said they won't oppose Virgil serving his state and federal sentences consecutively.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


R.I.P. Big Moe