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OKEJ Intervju med 2Pac

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-01-05 20:10

OKEJ Intervju med 2Pac

OKEJ Intervju med 2Pac 5 dar innan han blir skjuten

My dream came true
By Eva Sundqvist Olmos
OKEJ magazine (Swedish Magazine, corrections made by Rukas for FreeTupac.com.)

OKEJ’s reporter met Tupac downtown LA, only 5 days before he was shot. They had a talk about rap and life. Tupac was tender and charming. Who would have known that he only had a couple of more days to live? He would never go on tour like he’d planned.

5 days after my interview with Tupac - his very last - he was shot four times, right after he’d seen Mike Tyson box in Las Vegas.Tupac did not survive. He died six days later at the hospital, and fans all over the world is moarning. I’d never met the gangsta rapper Tupac Shakur. Of course I liked his music - all the songs on his last album “All Eyez On Me”. But like the majority, my picture of him was influenced by the rape accusation, his time in prison, his gangrelations, trouble and crimes. Tupac actually seemed dangerous. Besides that I’d heard that his enormous success - $100mill. recordsales - had gone to his head. After our conversation I’d discovered another guy. Smart, calm, sharp and with kind brown eyes. That’s how easy one misjudge people you don’t know anything about.

When I met Tupac, he was dressed in baggy jeans, and a darkgreen t-shirt. His moustache was on point and his head was shaved as usual. He had one more day on the set of the low budget movie “Gang Related”. He was tired, because the recording was really hard. The whole movie was supposed to be done on 30 days. Usually it takes 3 months. In the movie, which is an action-thriller, Tupac and Jim Belushi are two undercover cops that’s supposed to infiltrate and bust drugdealers. Of course that includes a whole lot of nightwork. Besides that, was Tupac recording a video for his own album. A tough schedule! But you can’t tell by looking at him. He cracked jokes and freestyled. Exept when he talked about his time in jail. Then he seemed sad. During the whole interview Tupac’s co-actor and newfound rap-partner, the white actor Jim Belushi, was there with him. They became good friends during the filmshooting, and had decided to make a new version of the movie soundtrack “Fly Me To The Moon”. This is what Tupac told during the interview:

What’s going to be your new year resolution?

I’ll definately start exercising! Startin’ January 1st, I’ll be takin’ 300 pushups every day.

How many do you do now?