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Ny Nas-intervju

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-10-19 16:21

Ny Nas-intervju

MTV News: We've been hearing for a while that you're working on a new album. What's the status?

Nas: The album is ... I started working on it. I had to pause to go back and look at it, because what I'm doing has hardly ever been done: taking a career to the next level. Usually artists don't make it this far. It's never been seen that a street artist go as far as I've gone — keep consistent without wanting to do a bunch of ventures outside of music to keep my face out there. I had to look back and pat myself on the back and really prepare to do what's not been done: to go for another few years in this thing and make it historic, the way it's supposed to be.

MTV: "Looking back" has meant contemplating leaving the only record company you've known, Columbia. There've been rumors about you going over to Def Jam — and we've had conversations in the past about how much you admire the company's chairman, L.A. Reid.

Nas: On an executive level, L.A. Reid is somebody who stands out and somebody who I truly admire and have been wanting to work with for a while, just based on what he's done and where he comes from. He interests me a lot right now.

MTV: So you two have talked?

Nas: There have been conversations. I've been exploring other possibilities for a long time. I loved my situation where it's at, but you have to look around and see what other shows are in town so you can expand your horizons. It's not just one place where you have to stay forever.

MTV: Sort of like, you can't go to see Stephanie Mills perform every night. You have to see what Patti LaBelle and the Whispers are like.

Nas: Yeah. You gotta make your rounds. It's important to make your rounds. Another good friend of mine in the music business is Craig Kallman. He's been trying to get at me to go over there for a long time. I’m really impressed with how he's moving. I'm just out here looking to see, "Where do I want to go create the biggest legacy for the next five to seven to 10 years?"

MTV: Hey, 50 is signing a bunch of folks to G-Unit!

Nas: They don't got enough paper for me.

MTV: Your last album, Street's Disciple, received a lot of criticism, but I think it was one of your best joints.

Nas: Absolutely. That album was a milestone period for me. It was my triumph in this business. The focus for that last record was definitely not about what was going on at radio at the time. It was about me doing different stuff. With the next stuff I'm getting at, it's gonna be right up that alley, but a huge project. I want to get to back to doing real big sh-- for the streets.