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fortsatt tung intervju med Saigon...

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-08-31 13:41

fortsatt tung intervju med Saigon...

... vet att jag läst Del. 1 av den här intervjun med Cedric Muhammad, men Del. 2 hade jag aldrig läst... vet inte om detta är nytt eller gammalt för er, men för att jag tyckte de va så grymt intressant läsning när han förklarar hur han känner för diverse rappare i industrin osv så postade jag en topic ändå... de läckraste är de han säger om 50 Cent... straight up truth...

Cedric Muhammad: 50 Cent.

Saigon: 50 Cent. Wow. This is very touchy because we have the same lawyer and accountants and I know how he plays. He plays hardball. Like, if he don’t agree with something you say, he’ll go to the lawyer and be like, ‘hey, f-—k with his books.’ (laughter). It is very touchy. But I am a man first. But 50 is a super talent. His voice is so powerful. He can say anything and draw people in.

My qualm with 50 is the bullshit he puts in his music. You can’t keep feeding the people poison without giving them nothing good. He has all of this attention and he could lead these mother f----rs to the Promised Land, and he would rather lead them to damnation. You got more money than you could ever spend in your life. What is your excuse for still doing this shit? What is the excuse for your new single you are talking about, ‘On my way O.T. to flip them bricks…’ You just made $50 million last year. What are you doing even thinking about a brick? And you got to think that there are young kids in the hood who don’t see that and they are like, ‘…yeah nigga I’m on my way O.T. to flip some bricks. F-—k that I gotta go get this money, I gotta go flip these bricks.’ And it is like he don’t care. There is an article where he said, ‘F--k anybody else’s kids. I don’t care about nobody else’s kids as long as my kid is alright.’ Now, what if somebody sees your kid in trouble and they have that kind of mentality? What if somebody sees his kid about to do the wrong thing – about to smoke some crack or something crazy and they have that mentality that he has – ‘Fu-k that kid. Let that nigga’ do whatever he wants.’ Come on man, you can’t say things like that. Put the shoe on the other foot. You’re a father. You definitely shouldn’t say no shit like that.

här är länken till hela andra delen (kan inte länka real, har Mac)...

http://www.blackelectorate.com/articles. asp?ID=1420

- a perverse resistance to security and predictability, & a deliberate disregard for propriety -