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Nytt Arrested Development album!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-08-21 17:34

Nytt Arrested Development album!

Arrested Development is in the studio working on their first worldwide release in a decade. In an interview with the San Luis Obispo Tribune, lead group member Speech explained the reason for the group’s reunification. “Every place we would go, fans would say, 'You guys gotta do more music. You stopped too early,'” Speech said. “The fans really inspired us to say 'Hey, let's put whatever (friction) we had between us behind us."' Arrested Development hit big with their hits “Mister Wendel” and “Tennessee.” The group won multiple Grammy’s in 1992 and broke up shortly after the release of their second album, Zingalamaduni, which was released in 1995.
- www.allhiphop.com

1. the art of speaking or writing effectively
2. skill in the effective use of speech